Joanne Cali


About Me

My Love of Art in All Forms

Hello and thank you for visiting my page. I hope you enjoy viewing my paintings and photos.

There is art everywhere – in homes, clothing, cookware, gardens, buildings, bridges, websites, dance, song, theater – an infinity of art forms. Without art our world would be boring and intolerable. So whatever you yourself are creating, continue!

Painting is my current art form choice (though I’ve enjoyed dance in the past). Anyone interested in drawing or painting can do so if they choose to devote time to the endeavor. I paint because I want to preserve and express to others something beautiful I have viewed or imagined.

My Art Process

In taking walks, I often see something beautiful I want to preserve for myself and share with others. I first try to evaluate, and then emphasize, which aspects of the scene make it endearing.

Since light is necessary for us to see colors, I strive to “highlight” it – make it brighter – while emphasizing the shadows in contrast. To facilitate this process, I often use Photoshop on my MacBook Air to boost the colors of my photo. Painting from this more vibrant photo makes a painting livelier and more interesting by capturing more of the essence of actual sunlit colors. Exaggeration of color and “motion” lines also help translate a real scene onto a two-dimensional surface without looking flat or stilted.

For example, I took a photo of a wisteria branch, which, though lovely, would have translated to a washed-out painting. By photoshopping it to exaggerate the colors, I could create a more interesting painting. Below you can see the original photo, then my photoshopped version, and then the painting I created.

I sometimes put several colors on a brush and/or hold several small brushes together (each with a different color on it) to create multi-colored blossoms or leaves.  In the wisteria painting above, I used a large brush for the branch, with three acrylic colors on it, and twisted the brush across the poster board to create an interesting branch.

Below you see me at my easel with a painting in progress. You can see that I am using not just one, but several photos to create the painting. I often use several photos for a single painting.
Often my paintings are of scenes encountered on walks around Hollywood where I live. I love the terra cotta rooftops and wonderful foliage a continual growing season affords. I strive to photograph scenes containing a lot of depth and space – in desert regions, scenes with backdrops of mountains. The more depth or space, the better. Any such art enhances a room by expanding its space. Hanging a painting, photo or poster on your wall(s) expands that room. A wall is a barrier that would normally stop your sight line; but a piece of art invites you into the depth or space of the world it describes.

Some Of My Works

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